Busting the term 'Ghosting'
In a world where candidates disappear in a phantom like fashion, candidate ghosting becomes a
haunting experience for Talent acquisition (TA) Leaders. Prospective candidates or the 21 st
century ghosts are giving sleepless nights to HR managers with their unpredictable nature.
Ghosting behaviour has left many HR managers and Talent Acquisition Leaders baffled.
While talent shortage still remains a concern to most HR managers, the other major problem
faced by recruiters today is, candidates not turning up even after accepting job offers. And
reasons are varied, from - I got stuck in a traffic jam, to - I met with an accident, from - a relative
(particularly grandma) passed away to - 13 the joining date is an unlucky number of me. The
reasons that candidates state are bizarre. But all this ends up in one phenomenon - Ghosting!
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