CXOs share a bond- they deeply understand the business challenges. As the future of work continues to evolve, successful organizations are shifting their mindsets around the value of data. Data is more than simply record-keeping – it is a critical asset that can provide major strategic insights that help leaders run their businesses better.
Join together with your peers and Senior Executives to understand how common problems are solved across industries and gain fresh insights on data efficiency and more directly from the CXOs. You’ll return feeling more energized, reinvigorated and focused with new ideas to act upon
Dr Saundarya Rajesh, Chairman, Bruhat Insights Global will set the context for Hear it from Dr Rajesh about her tryst with Artificial Intelligence in the people management sphere.
Keynote Address – Dr Satyam Priyadarshy, Senior Fellow and Chief Data Scientist, Halliburton engages the audience with his insightful talk
CEO's Innovation – In-depth analysis of how to leverage on emerging technology! Let's hear from Sai Krishna - CEO of Scapic
CEO's Innovation – Balaji Viswanathan of Invento Robotics shares how the disruptive thinking led to out-of-the-box solution to a real-life problems
Future of HR in the world of AI – A well moderated panel of experts discuss and deliberate on the topic from across industries
CEO's Innovation – Innovation Starts with Disruptive Thinking! Let's hear from Manoj Agarwal, Co founder of Xoxoday on their innovation in the field of HR
Future of Data – A glimpse into the past and future of data by emphasizing the way forward for innovation in AI.