When we talk about automated and augmented tools, we are not describing any parlor tricks. We are entering an era where Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be the
Zeitgeist of the future technologies to come.
With AI powered systems, organizations are turning the analyzed data into competitive strengths by integrating the predictors of performance and retention. What
works for one organization may or may not be scaled for all organizations. Hence, replicating the greatest talent management strengths sets the foundation for
accomplishing more through AI.
A tele-commerce company decided to automate its systems to optimum that bring out the best desired profits to the company's balance sheets. In the process, the
company's chief HR officer (CHRO) realized the importance of integrating technology and build systems and processes that are future ready. The CHRO realized
the biggest challenge would be change the mindsets of the people and build acceptance among them for technological advancements. While doing so, he further
discovered the gaps between the expectations and deliverables. So the company devised a learning platform for its employees to learn, connect, share and
grow. With automated HR processes the company was immediately able to assess, evaluate employees and provide them with a deeper engagement with the organization
with specific training and development. The system now also helps the HR function in succession planning, career continuity and assured business results.
Interestingly, in the nation-wide study launched by Bruhat Insights Global, nearly 73% of the innovating organizations intend to create a cool employee experience.
For the purpose of the research, the AI adoption stage in companies were categorized in four different categories.
- Innovators - Organizations where almost 100% of all HR systems leverage AI and Analytics
- Early Adopters - 70 to 80% of all systems in HR are empowered by AI and insights
- Late Adopters - 30 to 50% of systems in HR are using data and analytics
- Yet to Enter - Less than 25% of systems in HR are leveraging the power of data
The above classification helped us gain deeper insights on AI adoption levels in the HR function of organizations. Talent Management is, in many organizations, creating
gaps in employee retention further fueling the talent crisis. Within the broader scope of planning for performance appraisals, the means to leverage data that has
evolved in many ways over the years, it is important to understand and plan for the future using proper Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
With AI powered systems, organizations are turning the analyzed data into competitive strengths by integrating the predictors of performance and retention. What works
for one organization may or may not be scaled for all organizations, hence, replicating the greatest talent management strengths sets the foundation for accomplishing
more through AI. It's time to encourage the HR to champion the programs that have potential to deliver solid, long-lasting results for each organization across various